お知らせ 声明



現地の警察当局は憎悪犯罪の可能性が高いと発表。25日に開催予定だったオスロ プライドの主催者にパレードの中止を要請しました。そして、パレード予定だった当日、現地に数千名の有志が集まり自発的にデモ行進を行ったようです。




Statement on the Shooting in Oslo

In the early hours of June 25, 2022 local time in Oslo, Norway, two people were killed and more than 20 others were injured in a shooting at a gay bar where LGBTQ+ people gathered.

Local police authorities announced that it was likely a hate crime and asked the organizers of Oslo Pride, which was scheduled to take place on the 25th, to cancel the parade. Then, on the day the parade was scheduled to take place, several thousand volunteers apparently gathered at the site and spontaneously organized a march.

First of all, TGJP would like to express our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives.

We reject all acts of violence based on hatred of any kind. We do not demean our way of being. We reject any discrimination against us.

TGJP will continue to stand up against discrimination in the future with others who share our desire for a future without discrimination and without hate crimes.
