報告 声明


 パリオリンピックのボクシング女子66kg級で金メダルを獲得したアルジェリア代表のイーマーン・ハリーフ選手が8月10日にパリ検察庁(Paris Prosecutor’s Office)に告訴状を提出したことが報道されています。ハリーフ選手をめぐっては根拠なきトランスジェンダー疑惑/認定と、トランス差別言説を用いた誹謗中傷の被害を受けていました。TransgenderJapanは「世界中の人々の認識を変えたい」と法的措置にたちあがったハリーフ選手に心から連帯します。







 IOCは選手に対する各種身体検査を経て、誰が当該部門に出場する資格があるのかを決定しています。出場資格の判断をめぐり、セックスやジェンダーの多様性への対応が丁寧に積み上げられてきた経緯があります。これは、五輪開催都市各地のプライドハウスの活動に呼応したものでもあります。オリンピック憲章前文に定めるオリンピズムの根本原則の4「すべての個人はオリンピック ・ ムーブメントの権限の範囲内で、 国際的に認知されている人権に関し、いかなる種類の差別も受けることなく、スポーツをすることへのアクセスが保証されなければならない」がまさに実践されています。スポーツ分野におけるこのような実践的な取り組みは、トランスジェンダーの排除に邁進するあまりすべての女性を誹謗中傷の的にしかねない自警的な「女性の安全」論の脆弱性を浮き彫りにします。本件はまさにこれが可視化された出来事であり、ハリーフ選手の法的措置が世界中の人々の認識のアップデートにつながることを期待します。


1  報道などでは「イマネ・ケリフ」と表記されることが一般的となっているが、アラビア語(アルジェリアの公用語)の発音を正しく反映していないという指摘があり、本声明では可能な限り発音に忠実なカタカナ表記を心がけることとした。
2 なお、①〜③に加え、有色人種に対する差別が本件の背景にあるという指摘がなされていることを付言しておく。

Statement of Solidarity with Imane Khelif

It has been reported that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who won the gold medal in the women’s 66kg category at the Paris Olympics, filed a complaint with the Paris Prosecutor’s Office on August 10. She has been the victim of baseless accusations of being transgender and of harassment involving transphobic rhetoric. TransgenderJapan(TGJP) expresses its full solidarity with her, who has taken legal action with the intent to “I want to change the minds of people around the world.”

The issues surrounding Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-ting are as follows:

  1. Gender assumptions were made without the individual’s consent, leading to misgendering (treating someone as a different gender than they identify as) or outing (revealing someone’s gender identity against their will).
  2. Both athletes were labeled as transgender based on weak evidence and were subjected to harassment involving transphobic rhetoric.
  3. Even those who defended them spread claims that they were not transgender but intersex, again based on weak evidence.

The “weak evidence” in points 2 and 3 refers to statements made by the president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), who claimed that both athletes have “androgen insensitivity syndrome,” that “DNA tests have proven they carry XY chromosomes,” and that they “have high testosterone levels,” without presenting any medical evidence. A joint statement issued by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the boxing division of the Paris Olympics on August 2 clearly stated, “These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process.”

Point 3 mainly stems from those defending the athletes, but it must be noted that it validates “weak evidence,” involves either misgendering or outing, and leaves room for transphobic rhetoric by suggesting that being intersex is acceptable, but being transgender is not.

The IOC has conducted various physical examinations to determine eligibility for participating in respective categories. The process of making these decisions has carefully considered the diversity of sex and gender. This approach has been influenced by activities of Pride Houses in various Olympic host cities. It is the practical application of the fourth Fundamental Principle of Olympism as stated in the preamble of the Olympic Charter: “Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit”. Such practices in sports highlight the fragility of the “women’s safety” argument, which can cause the baseless harassment of all women in the name of excluding transgender people. This case vividly makes visible that issue, and we,TGJP hope that Khelif’s legal action will lead to updates of the minds of people around the world.

August 13th, 2024
